Jesus Appears to His Disciples
Luke 24:36-43 (NRSVUE)
While they were talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” They were startled and terrified and thought that they were seeing a ghost. He said to them, “Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet; see that it is I myself. Touch me and see, for a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.” And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. Yet for all their joy they were still disbelieving and wondering, and he said to them, “Have you anything here to eat?” They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate in their presence.

Friends, we are now in the midst of the Great Fifty Days, between the resurrection on Easter Sunday and the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. This is a time of joy and celebration as we continue to shout, “Alleluia!” for the tomb is empty and Christ is risen.
However… doesn’t it feel like there is always a, however? It is in these fifty days that the gospel writers tell us very different stories about what happened. Now, if you are a “facts and figures” person, this can be a little unsettling. But if you are simply looking at these stories through the eyes of faith, you begin to realize that each encounter and story simply gives you a few more colors in your palate to paint your own picture of the resurrection and beyond so that your masterpiece might inspire and guide you on your lifelong journey of faith.
I know that to some of you, that might sound amazingly exciting, while others of you, might want a little more direction and assurance. And I fully understand! But I also think that’s where we sometimes lose our way because when we look to scripture for hard, fast facts, GPS coordinates, authenticated historical records, and technological tracking of exactly where Jesus was at every moment, and exactly what he said and did. I think we get a little obsessed. Because folks, where is the faith in that? Where is the sacred space for possibility, hope, and mystery? People have been intrigued by scripture for thousands of years, not because it holds all of the answers, but because it calls us to open our hearts and minds to new possibilities as we wonder, ask questions, and find and experience our own unique relationship with Jesus and the path that relationship calls us down.
Folks, scripture is not meant to be a book of facts and figures and GPS coordinates but rather a puzzle with thousands and thousands of pieces that fit together in a multitude of ways. Okay, now that being said, today we hear the story of another appearance of Jesus to his disciples after his resurrection. Now, what the gospel of Luke tells us is that the resurrection happened on Easter, and then Jesus met two men on the Road to Emmaus. But they didn’t know that it was Jesus, that is until they sat down to share a meal with him. As Jesus broke the bread, their eyes were opened, and they realized it was him!
Well, as the two were telling their story to the disciples, that’s where today’s scripture reading comes in. As we heard earlier, “While they were talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.‘ They were startled and terrified and thought that they were seeing a ghost.” Now Jesus knew that his friends were worried and nervous and afraid, and he knew that their minds were probably getting the best of them. As we heard, they thought they were seeing a ghost. Now Jesus could have argued with them, saying, “Guys, look! It’s really me!! Come on! Just believe me!” But Jesus loved his friends. He knew they were afraid and unsure and he wanted to comfort them, and Jesus always knew that our actions speak louder than our words. After all, over and over again in the gospels, don’t we see Jesus teaching by example, showing the disciples the way not just telling them?
So rather than fighting and arguing and trying to prove his real existence, Jesus simply asked, “Have you anything here to eat?” And as scripture says, “They gave him a piece of broiled fish and he ate it in their presence.” It was only then, when Jesus ate with them, that they took a deep breath, put their fear, anxiety, and worry aside, and believed. And it was only once they put aside their fear, anxiety, and worry that they could listen to what Jesus had to say, and learn from him.
Friends, there is something sacred about sitting down and sharing a meal with friends, isn’t there? I don’t know if it’s because we relax and put our worries and concerns aside, or if it’s because somewhere deep down in our DNA, we remember the holy moments when Jesus gathered with others, sharing a meal while also teaching and healing and showing compassion. In today’s busy world, I think many of us have lost sight of the importance of sitting down and sharing a cup of coffee or a meal with others. There is too much fast food and coffee-to-go, and too many people find that they eat and drink while we’re on the road between meetings or doctor appointments or picking up kids from activities.
I remember as a kid, on Sundays, we always had Sunday dinner with several generations around the table. We said grace, thanking God for our meal, food, and time together; we shared stories, learning from each other. Those were indeed sacred moments that definitely shaped me into the person that I am today. But you know what, those dinners didn’t just happen by themselves, no! Those Sunday dinners took putting our busyness aside. They took time to prepare and to cook. They took time to travel to meet up with others. And they took time to experience and appreciate the time we could spend together, but it was well worth it.
Friends, I wonder, when was the last time that you sat down and shared a meal with a group of family or friends? When was the last time that you broke bread and shared stories and laughed together, not worrying about what was coming next? When was the last time that you were honest with a group like that about who you are, the things you love, what you are struggling with, and what your hopes and dreams for the future are? Those are sacred moments, my friends. They are times and places that we share, learn, grow, and listen, and as people of faith, those are times when we experience the presence of God whether we talk about Jesus, the Bible, or our church or not!
So, brothers and sisters in Christ, as you go out into your busy week ahead, sit down and share a meal or a least a coffee or a snack with someone else. Don’t talk about politics, the news, or the latest social media craze, but share something about yourself. And be sure to listen to their stories too. Because as you talk and share and break bread together, you just might be surprised by the sacredness you experience, and who knows, your eyes might be opened, and you just might realize that Jesus is standing right there among you!
My friends, may it be so. Thanks be to God, Amen!