Oldtown Family

Oldtown Family

At Oldtown, we often talk about our “Oldtown Family” because we truly feel like a family. That feeling extends to EVERYONE who joins us online or in worship or at one of our events. Everyone we come in contact with is immediately welcomed into the family, as we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. The one thing we hear most often from folks who visit us for any reason is how welcomed they felt and how they could feel a real honest connection to the church and its people.

We are a congregational church, which means that everything that happens at Oldtown happens because of the efforts of our dedicated church family. We don’t have paid staff, other than our pastor. We are ALL ministers and teachers, and sometimes dishwashers and cleaners. We all work together to bless everything we do. Below are a few of the dedicated people who help lead our ministries and make things “run” here at Oldtown.

Dan Thibeault

Dan Thibeault

Thomas Sanford

Tom Sanford

Jimmy Dumont

Peter Granville

Steve Mankavech

Jim Santsaver

Jim Santsaver

Perilene Twyman

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