Giving is one way we put our Christian faith into action. Jesus taught us to be generous and to have compassion for others. As followers of Christ, we reach out to the least and the lost with our gifts of time, talent, and treasure. It’s important for our children to learn the lessons of generosity in this world of materialism and consumerism. At Oldtown Church, we have many opportunities to be good stewards – to share our abundance with others. Our mission and ministry include support for soup kitchens and the homeless, worldwide missions as well as local projects, and of course, our own dear church and its ongoing ministry in Christ’s name.
Giving to Oldtown online couldn’t be easier!! Just click on the big red “GIVE” button to open up our online giving form. You can give with a credit card or from your bank account, you can choose to make a one-time gift or set up a recurring offering to the church, and you can direct your offering to any of the following:
- Offering: a general offering for the good of the church which goes into the general fund and supports the everyday operation of the church
- Sunday School: supports our Sunday School and Christian Education ministries
- Deacons Fund: supports our Deacons’ expenses for worship elements, bibles, and our fellowship refreshments
- Missions: supports our missions outreach efforts
- Music Fund: supports the maintenance of our organ and piano and other expenses of our music ministry
- Building Fund: supports the “larger project” expenses of the upkeep of our church and schoolhouse
- Memorial Fund: gifts can go to the general Memorial fund or be directed for a specific purpose or in memory of a particular person, people, or event. Read more information on Memorial Gifts.
If you’d like to donate by mailing a check, please make the check payable to First Congregational Church, and mail it to us at 675 Old Post Road, North Attleboro, MA 02760.
If you would like to pledge recurring support of our church, through a gift of your time, talent, or treasure, please consider filling out our Pledge/Promise form, and we will reach out to you with our thanks and more information.

You can also support the church by purchasing home goods, crafts, and other items through our relationship with SERRV INTERNATIONAL, a fair trade organization helping artisans and farmers build healthier and more sustainable communities worldwide. Read more information about SERRV or go straight to their website.