This summer we are inviting each family to take a Flat Jesus home with them. We encourage you to take your Flat Jesus with you this summer wherever you go; to the beach, or to the park, sitting around the pool, or camping, or just playing in your backyard. We’re asking you to take selfie pictures of you and your family and friends with Flat Jesus, and email them to us so, we can put them on our bulletin board and on our website and on our Facebook page. Flat Jesus actually has his very own email address, so it will be easy to remember. His email address is It will be fun to see where Flat Jesus goes, and what kinds of fun things he gets to do! It will also help us to remember that Jesus and the Holy Spirit don’t just stay here at church all week, but that they are always with us, wherever we go. You just might find that Flat Jesus even gives you the chance to tell someone else about our church or about the stories of Jesus, just like the people did on the first Pentecost so long ago!
If you want to print your own Flat Jesus to take with you on your journeys, feel free to right-click on the image above and choose “Save as…” to save the image and then print it. Don’t forget to send us your pictures!!
Here are some pictures from Flat Jesus’ adventures this summer:
Flat Jesus In Worship
Flat Jesus Photobombs Pastor Kelly’s Sermon
Flat Jesus Plays with Josh and Sky
Flat Jesus Rides the Commuter Rail
Flat Jesus at Back Bay Station
Flat Jesus Finds His Way on the T
Flat Jesus at Trinity Church
Flat Jesus Crosses the Finish Line
Flat Jesus Calling
Flat Jesus at Panera
Flat Jesus Rapping at the Xfinity Center
Flat Jesus at the Norflok Aggie Sports Banquet
Flat Jesus at the May Coffeehouse
Flat Jesus at the May Coffeehouse
Flat Jesus at the May Coffeehouse
Flat Jesus Plants a Flag on Conrad’s Grave
Flat Jesus Goes to Girl Scout Camp
Flat Jesus at the North Memorial Day Parade
Flat Jesus at Another Memorial Day Parade
Flat Jesus Goes to the Y
Flat Jesus at a Beachside Wedding
Flat Jesus Among the Violets
Flat Jesus in New York for Lunch
Flat Jesus at the Ludlow Plaza on the Pike
Flat Jesus Meets Porky
Flat Jesus Rides the Rollercoaster at Six Flags
A True Super Hero
Flat Jesus Fishing in NH
Flat Jesus Fishing in NH
Flat Jesus Celebrates High School Graduation
Flat Jesus Celebrates High School Graduation
Flat Jesus at Second Church Children’s Sunday
Flat Jesus Congratulates Caleb
Flat Jesus Enjoys Dinner with Friends
Flat Jesus Poolside
Flat Jesus Hits the Pool
Flat Jesus at the Pawsox
Flat Jesus at Davenports
Flat Jesus at Davenport’s
Flat Jesus Wishes a Happy Birthday
Flat Jesus visits Grampy Quntal
Flat Jesus at the Tri-Conference UCC Annual Meeting
Flat Jesus at the Tri-Conference UCC Annual Meeting
Flat Jesus at the Tri-Conference UCC Annual Meeting
Flat Jesus at the Tri-Conference UCC Annual Meeting
Flat Jesus at the Tri-Conference UCC Annual Meeting
Flat Jesus at the Tri-Conference UCC Annual Meeting
Flat Jesus at the Tri-Conference UCC Annual Meeting
Flat Jesus at the Tri-Conference UCC Annual Meeting
Flat Jesus at the Tri-Conference UCC Annual Meeting
Flat Jesus at the Tri-Conference UCC Annual Meeting
Flat Jesus at the Tri-Conference UCC Annual Meeting
Flat Jesus Rests After Annual Conference
Flat Jesus at Kiki’s for Ice Cream
Flat Jesus at the Food Pantry
Flat Jesus at the Food Pantry
Flat Jesus Shopping in Boston
Flat Jesus Shopping in Boston
Flat Jesus Shopping in Boston
Flat Jesus Shopping in Boston
Flat Jesus Shopping in Boston
Flat Jesus and the Birthday Puppy
Flat Jesus at Newport Vineyards
Flat Jesus Takes On Newport
Flat Jesus Takes On Newport
Flat Jesus Takes On Newport
Flat Jesus Loves the Nevada Desert
Flat Jesus at Olney Pond
Flat Jesus at Seekonk Speedway
Flat Jesus in Chinatown
Flat Jesus Enjoying Bakery Treats
Flat Jesus Phones Home
Flat Jesus Rides the Swan Boats
Flat Jesus Hanging with Bobby Orr
Flat Jesus at Southwick’s Zoo
Flat Jesus Wading in the Frog Pond
Flat Jesus Alpaca Farming
Flat Jesus with Artist Art Lee
Flat Jesus Visits Artist Art Lee
Flat Jesus Enjoys the Sunrise
Flat Jesus Enjoys the Sunrise
Flat Jesus enjoyed visiting Sand Beach in Acadia. He loved seeing where the mountains meet the seas!
Flat Jesus at Frenchman’s Vat
Flat Jesus Enjoys Ice Cream in Sudbury
Flat Jesus Visits Newton-Wellesley Hospital
Flat Jesus at Niagara Falls, Canada
Flat Jesus Rides the Maid of the Mist
Flat Jesus at the Falls
Flat Jesus at the Cave of the Winds
Flat Jesus Rides the Go Karts
Deb & Kerri take Flat Jesus to Fast Eddie’s in Winthrop, ME for lobster rolls
Deb & Kerri take Flat Jesus to Fast Eddie’s in Winthrop, ME for lobster rolls
Deb & Kerri take Flat Jesus to Fast Eddie’s in Winthrop, ME for lobster rolls
Deb & Kerri take Flat Jesus to Fast Eddie’s in Winthrop, ME for lobster rolls
Deb & Kerri take Flat Jesus to Fast Eddie’s in Winthrop, ME for lobster rolls
Deb & Kerri take Flat Jesus to Fast Eddie’s in Winthrop, ME for lobster rolls
Deb & Kerri take Flat Jesus to Fast Eddie’s in Winthrop, ME for lobster rolls
Flat Jesus enjoys a hearty camp breakfast
Flat Jesus heads to the gym
MaryPat, Maria, Tali and Flat Jesus went to the Cape
Flat Jesus goes for a walk at (on?) the lake in Hebron, NH