Why Does My Church Need an Interim Minister?

Why Does My Church Need an Interim Minister?

Is your congregation about to have a pastoral change? Did you have one recently? If so, are you curious or anxious about what to expect from pastoral leadership during this transitional time?  Is hiring an interim minister beneficial? How might you assess that? Join us online on Thursday, January 20th at noon to discuss.

Presenter: Rev. Dr. James H. Latimer, PCC Coach, and Founder, Coaching for Interims.

This free online webinar is presented by the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ (SNEUCC) as part of the “Lunch & Learn for Leaders” series, a FREE monthly series hosted by the Center for Transformational Leadership. Every third Thursday, join us at noon for a 50-minute session of learning and discussion. Each month we will offer a bite-sized opportunity to learn valuable concepts and practices from a subject expert. Our wide-ranging topics are relevant to areas of mission and ministry that you, our clergy, and lay leaders, have indicated are timely for your congregations.


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