On Saturday, March 19, the Southern New England Conference of the UCC (SNEUCC) presents another Super Saturday—a leadership development and networking event for lay leaders and clergy, sponsored by the Southern New England Conference. As with last year, this Super Saturday will be a “virtual” event, due to the increase in Covid cases. The theme of this Super Saturday is: A Future With Hope: Relevant, Prophetic, and Transformative
Our special guest will be the Rev. Sarah Drummond, who serves as Founding Dean of Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School. She has been part of Andover Newton, a graduate theological school focused on ministry education for locally governed faith communities, since 2005. At Andover Newton at YDS, Sarah is the lead administrator for a professional school for congregational ministry within a world-class ecumenical Divinity School. She teaches and writes about leadership and serves as a combination advisor/minister/mentor to ministers in formation. Her current blog series is entitled “Critical Christian Leadership.” In that series, she considers what a critical-thinking Christian has to offer leadership questions of the day. To learn more about Rev. Drummond visit her website: Sarah Drummond.
Registration is now available. The registration deadline is March 13. More information can be found on the event listing on the SNEUCC website.
Contact Andrea Bellarosa at bellarosaa@sneucc.org with any questions regarding Super Saturday.