Spring Turkey Supper
  • 675 Old Post Road
    North Attleboro, MA 02760

  • Church Vestry (Downstairs)

Spring Turkey Supper

Join us on May 17th for our famous spring OLDTOWN TURKEY SUPPER. We are providing takeout meals and gathering for a seated, “family-style” meal. The menu includes home-cooked turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, butternut squash, rolls, dessert, and beverages, served family-style. The price is $18 for adults for takeout and seated meals and $9 for seated meals for kids 10 and under (smaller portions). $1 of each meal served will go to our “FOOD FORWARD” mission to help feed those in need in our area.

Our single serving begins promptly at 5:00 p.m. with seating 20 minutes prior. We also accept take-out orders. If you are picking up a takeout meal, please arrive at 5:15 or later to allow us to serve our seated guests first. The leftmost door at the front of the church leads down a small flight of stairs to the church vestry, where meals are served and takeouts can be picked up. An accessible entrance can be found by going around the back of the church to the side door by our south lawn.

Please note our new serving time of 5:00 p.m.

RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED and can be made online (click here), by email at reservations@oldtownucc.org, or by calling Ed Clavette at 508-212-4774. We look forward to sharing a meal and fellowship with you.

We can use some help providing suppers to our guests. If you’re available, please SIGN UP ONLINE – we’d love to have you join us!


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