On Thursday, June 16, at 3:30 PM, the UCC presents a free online webinar titled Open and Affirming: The Power of Covenant. This webinar is for UCC congregations taking their first steps towards an Open and Affirming covenant, and for existing ONA churches looking for new ways to live into their ONA commitment. We’ll focus on “covenant” as the basic value of our movement, and the reason we’ve become the largest and fastest-growing LGBTQ-affirming church movement in the world. We’ll share best practices we’ve learned from growing ONA churches, including intersectional advocacy, and ways a church can design an ONA conversation that builds consensus and strengthens relationships.
This webinar is part of a special series presented by the United Church of Christ of “Thursdays for the Soul” webinars focused on twelve Just World Covenant programs in the UCC. On the third Thursday of each month, one of these programs will be featured. Learn more at: www.ucc.org/just_world_covenants.