Messy Church is a global movement that focuses on a way to be church for all ages together, to engage in faith formative activities celebrating the centrality of the love of Jesus Christ. The messy pandemic world has led to innovative changes in how Messy Church works but has also strengthened the why Messy Church is reaching unchurched and de-churched people. Join us as we share how our Messy Churches have adapted and continue to quickly adapt to the changing environment.
Rev. Roberta J. Egli: Roberta is the Executive Director of Messy Church USA. In 2017, in partnership with the global Messy Church movement, she led a team to establish All-Age Faith Formation, a 5013c nonprofit, which is the home for Messy Church USA. She is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church.
Dr. Johannah Myers: Johannah is the Associate Director of Messy Church USA. She serves full-time as the Director of Disciple Formation at Aldersgate UMC in Greenville, SC, where they’ve had an active Messy Church since 2013. Johannah’s D.Min project focused on intergenerational faith formation and Messy Church.