What is the role of spirituality and wisdom in transformative leadership? How is our discipleship formed and re-formed in a changing religious and cultural landscape? How might a faithful and effective mission be formed for ministry in a climate-changed world?
Presenters: Aram Mitchell, Director of Partnerships and Formation at the BTS Center and Rev. Emma Brewer-Wallin, Minister for Environmental and Economic Justice, SNEUCC
This program is presented by the Center for Transformational Leadership (CTL) of the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ (SNEUCC) as part of the “Lunch & Learn for Leaders” series. These programs are all created in response to the challenges and concerns identified by our clergy and lay leaders. While these resources offer many solutions to problems, they also reveal opportunities to be realized. Rather than ask, “How are we going to …..?” (you fill in the blank – eliminate this internal conflict; become financially sustainable; grow our membership), consider asking the question, “What might happen if…..?” (we focus on creating a new vision for the future; reimagine how we use our buildings; increase our community engagement).
The Center for Transformational Leadership is able to offer these programs largely because of our churches’ financial support expressed through Proportional Giving. The CTL is here to help your congregation not just survive, but to thrive!