Celebration of the Life of Janice Tondravi
  • 675 Old Post Road
    North Attleboro, MA 02760

Celebration of the Life of Janice Tondravi

Join us on Sunday, October 15, at 2:00 p.m. as we celebrate the life of Janice Tondravi, beloved member of our Oldtown family. Janice’s smile welcomed many to worship here in Oldtown for years, and she will be missed. Come share in the celebration of Janice’s life as we share stories, some of which you may know and others which may be new to you.

We ask that you wear yellow or other cheerful colors in celebration of the happiness and vibrance that Jance showed to all. A luncheon will be provided in Maxcy Hall immediately following the service.

One Comment

  1. Max Dube

    I miss grandma so much, I hope I never forget her taking me to the pond with Tom and Gale. I miss her smile soo much, I remember how happy she was when I taught her how to play a video game, but sadly she forgot the next day. The last time I was with Aunt Marjon, it just was not the same without her. I remember when I was really young and when I was older, I used to come to this church, I mainly remember the Wednesdays, when I used to come to coffee hour with her. I just want to say, you are the person who I look up to most in my life. I love you grandma.

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