The journeys of LGBTQ+ and immigrant youth are both beautiful and complex. On February 3rd from 12:00 to 1:30, Yadi Martinez-Reyna shares a glimpse into their various journeys and the worlds they navigate and negotiate with as they try to find a sense of belonging. Yadi will provide resources and ideas on how to create a safe space for all young people. Through lecture, dialogue, and open conversation, Yadi will invite you to reflect on the following questions: How do we create space for young people who are not already here? How do we partner with those who are here to evaluate, enhance, or transform our space? How do we reach beyond the borders of comfort and familiarity to share the good news with young people in need of support? In addressing these questions, Yadi aims to share with you their social, academic, and ethical experiences working with the youth and providing some working practices to guide your ministry.
Presented in cooperation with Yale Divinity School and the Yale Youth Ministry Institute.
This event is FREE, but you must register prior to the event.