Church Blog (Page 25)

Church Blog (Page 25)

2017 Building & Grounds Ministry Report

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BUILDING AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE 2017 Members of the committee were as follows: David Kingman (Chairman), Edmund Clavette (Secretary), Edward Collins, Peter Gaw, Peter Granville and James Koepfler. This committee meets each month on Sunday prior to the Church Committee meeting. At these meetings, smaller projects are chosen and responsibilities assigned…

2017 Deacons’ Report

REPORT OF THE DEACONS FOR 2017 Your deacons are happy to report that the spiritual life of our church is healthy and growing! In addition to the easily-quantifiable growth we can see in the increased number of names on our member list, and the increased attendance at worship every Sunday, we are broadening our biblical knowledge and deepening our spiritual wisdom. We are…

2017 Music Ministry Report

OLDTOWN MUSIC COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Music has always been an essential part of worship. From the days of the Old Testament, when “David and the people of Israel were celebrating with all their might before the Lord, with castanets, harps, lyres, timbrels, sistrums, and cymbals” – 2 Samuel 6:5 (NIV) – through the explosion of hymns written…

2017 Historian’s Report

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HISTORIAN 2017 This year has continued to be on the quiet side. We used to get several requests every year from people looking up their relatives, but the genealogy sites now available online make it much easier for folks. Several of the gravestones that we had worked on with Ken Postle at Newell Burying Ground have since toppled again. Hopefully,…

2017 Food Forward Ministry Report

FOOD FORWARD MINISTRY 2017 Our Food Forward Project was established in 2016 with the goal of helping those in our community who are food-insecure. We raised the price of our Church suppers by $1, and it’s that extra dollar that funds the program. A great meal is enjoyed, and that little extra means someone else will eat as well, thus “paying it forward.” In 2016,…

2017 Missions Ministry Report

MISSIONS MINISTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2017 2017 saw our Missions focus both internally and externally at Oldtown. Through the ongoing passion and enthusiasm of the Missions Ministry, the following was accomplished: A Missions Statement was created. Thank you to Kris Collins for such a thoughtful statement. It was agreed by all that it captured perfectly the essence of the…

2017 Coffeehouse Crew Report

OLDTOWN CHURCH COFFEEHOUSE CREW REPORT – 2017 The Oldtown Church Coffeehouse was organized by North Attleborough High School junior and church member Kait Clavette and fellow church member Tammy England in June 2004. When Kait graduated in 2006, we formed an ad-hoc Coffeehouse Crew Committee to continue this ministry. For the past fourteen years, this coffeehouse…

2017 Flower Ministry Report

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FLOWER COMMITTEE – 2017 The flower committee thanks you all for your part in our wonderful holiday flower displays here at Oldtown. The spring plants and the poinsettias add to the beauty of our sanctuary. We are blessed to have the lovely Hummel crèche, donated by the Greene family in memory of their daughter Marilyn Cleaves, and the larger…

2017 Pastor’s Annual Report

2017 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PASTOR AND TEACHER The Rev. Kelly Thibeault January 2018 My goodness, 2017 was a busy and blessed year in Oldtown! The year began with our worship theme “Following in the Footsteps of Jesus,” as we began to use the brand new Bibles that our congregation received for Christmas. Then during Lent, we took a slow reflective walk through Holy Week,…

2017 Clerk’s Report

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CLERK 2017 First Congregational Church January 22, 2017 The Annual Meeting and roll call of members of the First Congregational Church of North Attleborough, Massachusetts was held on Sunday, January 22, 2017, in the sanctuary following morning worship. The meeting was called to order by James Brinson, Moderator. Pastor Kelly Thibeault gave an opening…