Church Blog (Page 20)
Worship Bulletin – February 24, 2019
Worship Bulletin – February 17, 2019
Worship Bulletin – February 10, 2019
Worship Bulletin – February 3, 2019
Neil Gagne
Leah’s Rwanda 2019
Worship Bulletin – January 27, 2019
2018 Pastor’s Annual Report
2018 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PASTOR AND TEACHER The Rev. Kelly Thibeault January 2019 It was a wonderful year of worship, working together and wondering in Oldtown as we looked for joy in each moment and did our best to live out our faith in our everyday lives! We spent the season of Lent “Digging through the Mess,” as we reflected on difficult topics like tempting,…
2018 Clerk’s Report
ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CLERK 2018 First Congregational Church January 21, 2018 The Annual Meeting and roll call of members of the First Congregational Church of North Attleborough, Mass. was held on Sunday, January 21, 2018 in the sanctuary following morning worship. The meeting was called to order by James Brinson, Moderator. Pastor Kelly Thibeault then gave an opening…
Oldtown Church Coffeehouse Crew Report 2018
The Oldtown Church Coffeehouse was organized by North Attleborough High School junior and church member Kait Clavette and fellow church member Tammy England in June 2004 as a fundraiser for our steeple restoration. When Kait graduated in 2006, we formed an ad-hoc Coffeehouse Crew Committee to continue this ministry. For the past 15 years this coffeehouse has been a…
Church Fair Mission Report 2018
Our 2018 fall fair was held on Saturday, November 17, 2018 and it certainly provided us with lots of reasons to celebrate. This year saw the addition of a book room, expanded treasure rooms and new lunch menu in addition to our traditional offerings. These additions were well received with our guests and we plan to continue them in 2019. Many members of our congregation…
Annual Report of the Stewardship Ministry 2018
For the past several years, the stewardship ministry has been focused on finding better ways of communicating our church’s financial workings to the congregation. Through the Stewardship Corner in our worship bulletins, we bring updates on congregational giving along with our other income and…
Annual Report of the Flower Ministry 2018
The Flower Mission thanks you all for your part in our beautiful holiday flower displays here at Oldtown. The spring plants and poinsettias add to beauty of our sanctuary and the enjoyment of our service. We are blessed to have the lovely Hummel crèche donated by The Greene family in memory of their daughter, Marilyn Cleaves, and the larger crèche that was given by Conrad…
Oldtown Music Ministry Annual Report 2018
If you’ve attended worship at Oldtown, you know the importance music has in our worship services. From the prelude and introit that welcome everyone to our sanctuary to the benediction response at the end of worship that sends everyone back out into the world, music flows throughout our services. It helps us gather our thoughts and be present, reflect on the…
Annual Report of the Building and Grounds Ministry 2018
Members were as follows: David Kingman (Chairman), Edmund Clavette (Secretary), Edward Collins, Peter Gaw, Peter Granville, Zeph Halsey and James Koepfler. Members meet each month on the Sunday prior to the Church Committee meeting. At these meetings smaller projects are chosen and responsibilities…
Food Forward Project 2018
Our Food Forward was established in 2016 with the goal of helping those in our community who are food insecure. We added one dollar to the price of our Church suppers and it’s that extra dollar the funds the program. A great meal is enjoyed and that little extra means someone else will eat as well, thus paying it forward. In 2016 the Food Forward program raised $929, in…
Missions Ministry Annual Report 2018
2018 saw a growth in, not only the size, but of the dedication of the Missions Ministry. Four new members: Becky Halsey, Leah Moynihan, Jim Santsaver, and Janice Tondravi were welcomed to the Ministry, as was Deanne Bellinger in September. Each of them, along with Kris Collins and Jeannette Galvin, brought new ideas, energy, and compassion to the group. The first order of…
Christian Education Ministry Annual Report 2018
There have been lots of changes to our Christian Education Ministry this year. Some out of necessity, but most in order to best meet the needs of our congregation and the family dynamic in our world that continues to change. Of course, we held onto the exciting events, like making soup for Souper…