Church Blog (Page 14)
Worship Bulletin – August 15, 2021
Church Committee Meeting Notes July 20, 2021
Return to In-Person Worship!
Church Committee Meeting Notes May 11, 2021
Reconnection Team Meeting Notes Apr 14, 2021
Review of activity in 3 stages–Past (3/17 Minutes), Present (Pet Clinic Plans) and Future (Next steps and activity in preparation for next meeting on 4/14), Members accepted action items and ponders for next meeting.
Reconnection Team Meeting Notes Mar 31, 2021
Review of activity in 3 stages–Past (3/17 Minutes), Present (Pet Clinic Plans) and Future (Next steps and activity in preparation for next meeting on 4/14), Members accepted action items and ponders for next meeting.
Church Committee Meeting Notes Apr. 13, 2021
MINUTES OF THE CHURCH COMMITTEE MEETINGAPRIL 13, 2021 Attending: Pastor Kelly Thibeault, Leah Moynihan, Deanne Bellinger, Kris Collins, CindiBarkley, Edmund Clavette, Jim Koepfler, Jim and Deb Fennell, Jeannette Galvin, and Carolyn Chretien. Leah Moynihan, Moderator, called the meeting to order and asked Pastor Kelly to give an opening prayer. TREASURER’S REPORT:…
Reconnection Team Meeting Notes Mar 17, 2021
The reconnection team met on March 17, 2021. Primary actions were to review the Commonwealth Standards for Houses of Worship, discuss key considerations as we reopen, and generate a questions list for further discussion and exploration.
Church Committee Meeting Notes Mar. 9, 2021
MINUTES OF THE CHURCH COMMITTEE MEETINGMARCH 9, 2021 Attending: Pastor Kelly Thibeault, Ed Clavette, Jim Brinson, Jeannette Galvin, Jim Fennell, Deb Fennell, Kris Collins, Steve Mankavech, Cindi Barkley, Deanne Bellinger, Carolyn Chretien, and Leah Moynihan. Pastor Kelly opened the meeting with a prayer. TREASURER’S REPORT: Jim Koepfler was unable to attend but sent…
Stewardship Meeting Notes Feb 14, 2021
The stewardship ministry met on February 14, 2021. Primary areas of discussion were coming to a common understanding of biblical and church stewardship, our mission, and what we can provide that the congregation might be missing
Food Safety Training for Oldtown Suppers
As we negotiate the uncertainty of determining when it’s safe to gather together again, one of the things we think about is how the pandemic has changed what we do for fundraising. Oldtown has always been known as “the church with the suppers,” and that is something that will continue long into the future. However, some things about how we do our suppers…
Supporting the Wider Church Through Proportional Giving
At Oldtown, we help support the resources that equip our mission and ministry as disciples of Jesus by contributing to the Southern New England Conference of the UCC and the global UCC through what is called “proportional giving.” In years past, this used to be called “Fellowship…
Church Committee Meeting Notes Feb. 9, 2021
MINUTES OF THE CHURCH COMMITTEE MEETINGFEBRUARY 9, 2021 First meeting held following the Annual Meeting. Attending: Leah Moynihan, Pastor Kelly Thibeault, Kevin Graves, Kris Collins, Cindi Barkley, Steve Mankavech, Ed Clavette, Deanne Bellinger, Jim Brinson, Jim Fennell, Jeannette Galvin, and Carolyn Chretien. Our Moderator Leah Moynihan called the meeting to order and…
Christian Ed Ministry Announces Meetings
Annual Report of the Social Justice Ministry 2020
My name is Deanne Bellinger and I have been asked to be the contact person for Oldtown’s newest ministry, Social Justice. While I am fairly new to Oldtown, I am not new to social justice causes. My New York pastor and I joined the many who participated in the Moral Monday peaceful protests at the…
Oldtown Church Coffeehouse Crew Report 2020
The Oldtown Church Coffeehouse was organized by North Attleborough High School junior and church member Kait Clavette and fellow church member Tammy England in June 2004 as a fundraiser for our steeple restoration. When Kait graduated in 2006, we formed an ad-hoc Coffeehouse Crew Committee to continue this ministry. For the past 17 years this coffeehouse has been a…
Fundraising Ministry Report for 2020
Each year, a significant portion of our budget is met through church fundraisers held throughout the year. We have been blessed with ongoing suppers, fairs, pet clinics, and flea markets. In addition, members have brought together additional fundraisers such as a coffee house, and online affiliate programs to boost our totals. Thank you so much for those that worked with…
Church Fair Mission Report 2020
Due to the pandemic our Fall Fair/Auction was not held. We certainly look forward to the day when we can once again host this very popular event Respectfully, Kris Collins