Church Blog (Page 13)

Church Blog (Page 13)

Church Committee Meeting Notes Apr. 13, 2021

MINUTES OF THE CHURCH COMMITTEE MEETINGAPRIL 13, 2021 Attending: Pastor Kelly Thibeault, Leah Moynihan, Deanne Bellinger, Kris Collins, CindiBarkley, Edmund Clavette, Jim Koepfler, Jim and Deb Fennell, Jeannette Galvin, and Carolyn Chretien. Leah Moynihan, Moderator, called the meeting to order and asked Pastor Kelly to give an opening prayer. TREASURER’S REPORT:…

Church Committee Meeting Notes Mar. 9, 2021

MINUTES OF THE CHURCH COMMITTEE MEETINGMARCH 9, 2021 Attending: Pastor Kelly Thibeault, Ed Clavette, Jim Brinson, Jeannette Galvin, Jim Fennell, Deb Fennell, Kris Collins, Steve Mankavech, Cindi Barkley, Deanne Bellinger, Carolyn Chretien, and Leah Moynihan. Pastor Kelly opened the meeting with a prayer. TREASURER’S REPORT: Jim Koepfler was unable to attend but sent…