Posts by Jim Fennell (Page 20)

Posts by Jim Fennell (Page 20)

2017 Deacons’ Report

REPORT OF THE DEACONS FOR 2017 Your deacons are happy to report that the spiritual life of our church is healthy and growing! In addition to the easily-quantifiable growth we can see in the increased number of names on our member list, and the increased attendance at worship every Sunday, we are broadening our biblical knowledge and deepening our spiritual wisdom. We are…

2017 Music Ministry Report

OLDTOWN MUSIC COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Music has always been an essential part of worship. From the days of the Old Testament, when “David and the people of Israel were celebrating with all their might before the Lord, with castanets, harps, lyres, timbrels, sistrums, and cymbals” – 2 Samuel 6:5 (NIV) – through the explosion of hymns written…