There’s an old hymn that states, “Forward through the ages in unbroken line, move the faithful spirits at the call divine.” I’d say that describes the people of Oldtown. No matter what comes along we just seem to pick up and move forward through it all no matter what.

On September 11th, it rained and rained, the power went out, and the flood came, forcing cancellation of our Pet Clinic and Pot Roast Supper due to the flooding in our basement. A call went out, and we received a great deal of support from members of the congregation as they helped in the recovery. Thanks to all.
The historian’s office was hard hit and is still not back to what it was, but in time, I will get it there. We may have lost some of our old records, but we will save what we can.
On Saturday, April 29th, at 2 pm, the Attleboro Historic Preservation Society hosted a presentation on the Solemn League Covenant in our sanctuary with a wonderful talk by Dr. Samuel A. Forman. It’s probable that this important document of that time was signed here in Oldtown. It may have been signed in our second building or the Newell Tavern which was south of our location at where 726 Old Post Rd is now.
This year has seen many generous donations to our church, and thanks to Ellen Kingman for her gift of beautiful new pew cushions, which arrived on May 31st. They replace cushions that probably had been installed back in the late 1940s in time for the re-dedication of the sanctuary in 1951. Thanks to Ellen, and thanks to Ed Clavette for searching and ordering the new cushions. They will be enjoyed for many years to come.
This year did see the third grade school tours completed during May and June. Pastor Kelly, Ed Clavette, and I saw two hundred and sixty-two children and thirty-nine teachers and chaperones for a total of three hundred and one. A big thank you to those who took the time to be present and able to help us on those days. It may not seem like much, but ringing that bell at Oldtown will stay with these kids forever.
So, my friends, that’s how Oldtown goes forward through the ages. May it ever be so.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn E. Chretien, Historian