Annual Report of the Clerk 2023

Annual Report of the Clerk 2023

First Congregational Church

January 22, 2023

The Annual Meeting and roll call of members of the First Congregational Church UCC of North Attleborough, Mass. was held on Sunday, January 22, 2023, at 11:00 AM immediately following morning service in the sanctuary.

The meeting was called to order by Deanne Bellinger, Moderator, who welcomed everyone.

Pastor Kelly Thibeault gave an opening prayer.

A moment of silence was then observed in memory of Steve Whitney who passed away in April.

Deanne then reminded us to keep it in mind the Church Committee Covenant (2007) treating each other with kindness and respect.

The roll call of members was then read by Carolyn Chretien, Clerk, with thirty-five responding, and one guest.

A previous recess for the purpose of reading the printed reports had been observed, so a motion to waive the reading of the reports with the exception of the Treasurers’ Reports, Proposed Budget, and Nominating Report was made by Jim Fennell and seconded by Leah Moynihan. So passed.

A motion to accept the waived reports as printed with the exception of the Treasurers’ Reports, Proposed Budget, and Nominating Report was made by Jim Fontaine and seconded by Jim Koepfler. The motion passed unanimously.

The Auditing’ statement was then read by Tom Sanford, finding the books to be accurate and well kept.

Jim Koepfler, the Treasurer, then explained the work of the treasurers and thanked both assistant treasurers, Deb Fennell and Dan Thibeault. He also thanked Jim Fennell for his input from the Stewardship team. He gave an overview of the summary. Steve Mankavech moved to accept the report, seconded by Ellen Kingman. Passed unanimously.

Dan Thibeault then explained the various funds that we have and how they can be used. He pointed out that we still owe $7,000 to pay ourselves back for the schoolhouse work done. Motion to accept the report was made by Tom Sanford, seconded by Janice Dumont, and passed unanimously.

The Proposed Budget for 2023 was then read by Jim Koepfler. The deficit was then explained by Jim Fennell. Although we still have a deficit, it’s better than we thought. Pastoral Supply is at $0 because of the efforts of some of the laypeople to fill in when necessary. He explained that Ellen Kingman donated her services – thank you – it had shown as gifts specified and music fund. All of our musicians volunteer their time. A question about the electric bill was answered – mainly due to freezers not being used while we were closed. Discussion on stewardship figures showing weekly and also that deficit wasn’t made up. Jim Santsaver moved to accept the budget, seconded by Ellen Kingman, and so passed.

The Nominating Committee report was then read by Carolyn Chretien. Megan Fennell was added to the Music Ministry and Suppers. Beth Sanford to Suppers and Tara Santsaver to Fairs. It was pointed out that anyone can attend Church Committee meetings but only committee members and Members at Large are able to vote.

Motion to accept made by Dan Thibeault and seconded by Jim Fennell. So passed.

Deanne then gave special thanks to everyone for working together this year and for all that has been done. Carolyn thanked everyone and told of how she accepted the job from Eleanor Razee.

Jim Fennell then spoke of how nominations are begun in November and December but people are always welcome to join a ministry during the year if interested.

As there was no further business to conduct, Deanne called for a motion to adjourn. Moved by Dan Thibeault and seconded by Linda Vogler. So passed.

The Doxology was sung by all and the meeting adjourned to Maxcy Hall for coffee and fellowship.

Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn E. Chretien, Clerk

Statistics for 2023

As of December 31, 2022, there were 140 members on the active list.
   11 new members
   0 transfers from inactive
   2 deaths
   0 transfers to other churches
As of December 31, 2023, there were 149 members on the active list.
Members on the inactive list may be transferred back to the active list per their request.

We did not celebrate any baptisms in 2023, but Pastor Kelly did officiate at two weddings and forty-four funerals in the church and around the community, including two funerals for beloved members of our Oldtown family: Carolyn Delgado and Janice Tondravi.