Annual Report of the Clerk 2020

Annual Report of the Clerk 2020

First Congregational Church

January 19, 2020
The Annual Meeting and roll call of members of the First Congregational Church, UCC of North Attleborough., Mass. was held on Sunday, January 19, 2020 in the sanctuary following morning service.

The meeting was called to order by Jeannette Galvin, Moderator.

An opening prayer was given by Pastor Kelly Thibeault.

A moment of silence was then observed in remembrance of members and friends who passed away in 2019: Neil Gagne and Kim Koepfler.

Jeannette then read the revised version of the Church Committee Covenant (2007) and reminded us to keep it in mind during the meeting.

The roll call of members was then read by Carolyn Chretien, Clerk with 39 members and 3 guests present.

A recess was then declared for the reading of the printed reports (with the exception of the Treasurers’ reports, Proposed Budget and Nominating Committee report which are reviewed later in the meeting).

A motion was made by Ed Clavette and seconded by Cindi Barkley to waive the reading of the printed reports with the exception of the Treasurers’ reports, Proposed Budget and Nominating Committee Report. So passed.

A motion was then made by Tom Sanford and seconded by Cindi Barkley to accept the waived reports as printed. So passed.

The Auditors’ Report was then read by Terry Durkee finding the books to be accurate and well kept.

Treasurer Jim Koepfler then introduced assistants Deb Fennell and Dan Thibeault as well as Jim Fennell from Stewardship

Jim then explained the summary of the Treasurer’s Report noting as error of $300.00 that was put in the Memorial Fund and should have gone to the Trust Fund. It has been corrected in 2020.

He then explained that we were over $7,000.00 in the black for the year in addition to the $5,000.00 debt we had begun the year with. He suggested that we pay back $6,000.00 to the Trust Fund.

A motion was made by Scott England and seconded by Jim Brinson to accept the report. Passed unanimously.

Dan Thibeault, Trust Treasurer, then read and explained his report stating how we had been down and now we are back up. A $5,000.00 fund (The Hillman Fund) is kept in a separate security because of how it was set up. Dave Kingman moved to accept the report. Ed Clavette seconded it and so passed.

The Proposed Budget for 2021 was then read by Jim Koepfler. Leah Moynihan questioned unspecified gifts. Explained this was anticipated funds. Discussion then followed about our unbalanced budget. Dan Thibeault moved to add $2,725.00 to Fund Raising–$29,725.00 to balance the budget at $117,225.00. Leah Moynihan moved to accept, Ed Clavette seconded. So passed.

The Nominating Committee was then read by Jeannette Galvin. Additional nominations were made as follows: Jeannette Galvin–Deacons and Megan Fennell–Music Ministry. Scott England moved to accept the report and Leah Moynihan seconded. So passed. Clerk was instructed to cast one vote for the total list of nominations.

Other business
Ed Clavette told of the support we received from a group of Attleboro High School students during this past year preparing and serving at suppers and fairs. Now North Attleboro is also sending a group and some helped at a recent pet clinic. Ed asked for the church to pay for these students to take the SERV SAFE program online costing $15.00 and the certificate lasts 2 years. This will not only help us, but will help them if they get a part time job. Discussion followed and Jim Brinson made a motion to underwrite the cost up to $200 and a minimum of participation in two events in return by the students. Scott England seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Carolyn Chretien then asked for a rising show of applause for Jeannette Galvin for her job as Moderator. So done.

We then stood and sang the Doxology.

As there was no other business, Ed Clavette made a motion to adjourn. Steve Mankavech seconded it and so passed.

A pot luck lunch and a time of fellowship followed in Maxcy Hall.

Respectively submitted,
Carolyn E. Chretien, Clerk

Statistics for 2020

As of December 31, 2019, there were 140 members on the Active Membership List. We were unable to officially welcome any new members, due to the pandemic. No members transferred from the inactive list to the active list, one member passed away, and no members were transferred to another church or to the Inactive Membership List. So, as of December 31, 2020, there were 139 members on the Active Membership List.

During the year, we Baptized one child and celebrated three weddings. Pastor Kelly officiated at thirty funerals in the church and around the community, including two for beloved members of our Oldtown family Dorothy Sutherland and June Clavette.