Annual Report of the Clerk 2019

Annual Report of the Clerk 2019

First Congregational Church

January 27, 2019
The Annual Meeting and roll call of members of the First Congregational Church, UCC of North Attleborough, Mass. was held on Sunday, January 27, 2019 in the sanctuary following morning service.

The meeting was called to order by Jeannette Galvin, Moderator.

Pastor Kelly Thibeault then gave an opening prayer.

A moment of silence was then observed in remembrance of our members and friends who passed away in 2018: Betty Grant, Lisa Fitzpatrick, Karen Healy, Carol Wartenberg, Frank Sawyer, and Ann Botsford.

Jeannette then read the revised version of the Church Committee Covenant (2007) and reminded us to keep it in mind.

The roll call of members was then read by Carolyn Chretien, Clerk with 42 members and 2 guests present. Wendy McCrae was transferred from the inactive to the active membership list.

A recess was then declared for the reading of the printed reports.

A motion was made by Deb Fennell and seconded by Ed Clavette to waive the reading of the printed reports with the exception of the Treasurers’ Reports, the Proposed Budget and Nominating Committee Report. Passed unanimously. A motion was then made by Deb Fennell and seconded by Ed Clavette to accept the waived reports as printed. So passed.

The Auditing Report was then read by Dorothy Sutherland, finding the books to be accurate and well kept.

Jim Koepfler, Treasurer, then gave thanks to the other Treasurers–Deb Fennell and Dan Thibeault–also to Jim Fennell as head of Stewardship. He explained how each one works. He then read and explained the summary of the Treasurer’s Report. One correction in the total income was noted by Feb Fennell. Scott England moved to accept the report. Deb Fennell seconded it and it pass unanimously.

Dan Thibeault then explained and made clear the Fund Treasurer’s Report. A motion was made by Ed Clavette and seconded by Tom Sanford to accept the report. So passed.

The Propose Budget for 2019 was then read by Jim Koepfler. Administrative staff position no longer exists. Although we’re once again over budgeted, we’re hopeful to work together once more to make this up during the year. Deb Fennell moved to accept the budget; seconded by Ed Clavette and passed unanimously.

The Nominating Committee Report was then read by Carolyn Chretien, Clerk. Several names were added or deleted by corrections or nominations from the floor.

Merrilee Fontaine was removed from the Music Ministry and Roland Jordan was added.

Two delegates as follows : Deanne Bellinger to the Mass. Conference UCC and the Old Colony Association. Cindi Barkley is the backup person. Zeph Halsey -delegate to the Old Colony Association.

A motion was made by Ed Clavette and seconded by Deb Fennell to have the clerk cast one vote for the total list of nominations. Passed unanimously.

Jeannette read a list of thanks as follows:

  • Sexton work by Dolores Charron
  • Hard work and dedication by all ministry leaders, members, and non-members. Special thanks to Hope Cahill for outstanding job leading our annual fair and to Deb Fennell for leading our vendor fair.
  • For all volunteers for supporting our hospitality tables, collations, fund raisers, suppers, fairs and emergencies. For their hard work and dedication. Special thanks to Ed Clavette for all he does around our church.
  • The dedication of our officers.
  • Special unseen service givers:
    • Our hospitality crew and volunteers for always assuring a warm greeting and goodies after service.
    • Ed and Kris Collins for their many talents, skills, and time.
    • Peter Gaw for the care of our lawns.
    • Henry Chretien, Dave and Ellen Kingman for their help in maintaining so many of our important things.

As there was no further business to come before the meeting, Dave Kingman moved to adjourn. Dan Thibeault seconded. So passed.

A pot luck lunch and fellowship followed in Maxcy Hall.

Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn E. Chretien, Clerk

June 2, 2019

A duly called special meeting of the member of the First Congregation Church UCC of North Attleborough, Mass. was held on Sunday, June 2, 2019 immediately following church services for the purpose of hearing and acting on proposed renovations for the schoolhouse as recommended by the Buildings and Grounds Ministry, and any other such business as may come before the meeting.

Jeannette Galvin, Moderator called the meeting to order. She explained that the roof and also the floor of the schoolhouse needs to be replaced. It has been recommended to delay the roof until Fall. It’s expected the cost of the floor will be approximately $13,500.

Discussion followed and Ed Clavette asked when this would be done and how long it would take. It will be in July and will take several weeks. It will not affect the rest rooms and that can be revisited later. Ed will inform the AA groups and arrange for them to meet in the vestry.

Pastor Kelly then explained that we can use $13,000 from a savings account and use money if necessary from the invested Todd Funds.

A motion was made by Merrilee Fontaine and seconded by Leah Moynihan to give the Church Committee the authority to use the savings account first and if needed to take more–up to $25,000–from the invested funds. Passed unanimously.

Jeannette then thanked members for staying.

Pastor Kelly gave a closing prayer and also thanked all those who stayed and also for reaching out in faith to take on this project.

We then adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn E. Chretien, Clerk

Statistics for 2019

As of December 31, 2018, there were 135 members on the Active Membership List. We welcomed six new members in 2019, transferred one member from the inactive list to the active list, two members passed away, and no members were transferred to another church or to the Inactive Membership List. So, as of December 31, 2019, there were 140 members on the Active Membership List.

During the year, we Baptized two adults and five children, celebrated three weddings, and welcomed six new members. Pastor Kelly officiated at forty-four funerals in the church and around the community, including two for our beloved Oldtown members Neil Gagne and Kim Koepfler.