2019 Annual Report of the Pastor and Teacher

2019 Annual Report of the Pastor and Teacher

The Rev. Kelly Thibeault
January 2020

This year we spent a lot of time celebrating community and reflecting on how we function as a church family. We came to realize how important every member is to our congregation no matter their age or where they are on their faith journey.

This was the first year that Coffee Connection became an integral part of our church, offering fellowship, conversation and a sense of Oldtown community during the week. We got ready for Lent with our annual Pancake Supper and Bible Jeopardy Game. Ash Wednesday kicked off a sermon series on the movie “I Can Only Imagine.” Guided by the letters in the word imagine, we reflected on inviting God in, making something out of nothing, an assurance of God’s love, giving the gift of forgiveness, images of God all around us, needing a home and entering Jerusalem. Holy Week had an exciting start as our Huddlers dressed up as townspeople on Palm Sunday and shouted Hosanna as they waved their palms welcoming worshippers into the parking lot and getting the attention of passersby. On Maundy Thursday we offered our Last Supper play and at the Good Friday service we sat at the foot of the cross as we sang “Kyrie Eleison” meaning “Lord have mercy.” Holy Saturday brought our Easter Egg Hunt at which we had lots of visitors, and Easter Sunday we waved our fabric strips shouting “Alleluia!”

During the Season after Easter, we focused on the words that we use and the importance of communication; and Celebration Sunday gave us a chance to give thanks for the amazing things that have been happening in Oldtown! As we continued to reflect on who we are as a community, the Church Committee did some work over the summer talking about conflict and how we can best encourage the church to work together. In September we kicked off our “In This House” sermon series that reminded us that In This House we give grace, tell the truth, make mistakes, say I’m sorry, have fun, give lots of hugs, value all families, show love, and live by faith; because we are family!

There were days of joy and days of sadness. Sadly, we said goodbye to Neil Gagne and Kim Koepfler who are now singing in the heavenly choir with our Oldtown Saints. But with utter joy, we baptized 2 adults and 5 children. We welcomed 6 new members into our church family and celebrated the weddings of 3 couples. We also celebrated Pastor Amie and Emma, who were with us until September, when Amie was called her own church in Spencer.

Through all of the ups and downs and twists and turns in the year, our church family stuck together supporting and encouraging one another, and for that I am truly thankful! I would like to take a moment to thank all of our members and friends for their hard work and support this year. As always, I am honored and blessed to serve as your Pastor and look forward to continuing our journey together.

Blessings to all of you and see you in church!

Pastor Kelly
