2017 Clerk’s Report

2017 Clerk’s Report


First Congregational Church

January 22, 2017

The Annual Meeting and roll call of members of the First Congregational Church of North Attleborough, Massachusetts was held on Sunday, January 22, 2017, in the sanctuary following morning worship.

The meeting was called to order by James Brinson, Moderator.

Pastor Kelly Thibeault gave an opening prayer.

We then observed a moment of silence in remembrance of members John Sheppard and Pamela Manton who passed away during the year

Jim Brinson then read the revised Church Committee Covenant.

Carolyn Chretien, Clerk then read the roll call of members with thirty-eight members and one guest present.

Jim then said he had included a copy of our Constitution and By-Laws. All proposed changes are highlighted and are mostly grammatical and repositioning as well as modernization of wording. There are no major changes. We will vote to accept or deny these changes at the end of our meeting. He gave a big thank you to the committee for their work on this update. Jennifer Lumi, Jennie Twyman, Jim Koepfler, Kris Collins, Carissa Johnstone, Dot Sutherland, and Tom Sanford.

A five-minute recess was then declared for the reading of the printed reports.

A motion was made by Dave Kingman and seconded by Ed Clavette to waive the reading of the printed reports with the exception of the Treasurer’s Reports, the Proposed Budget, and Nominating Committee Report. Passed unanimously. A motion to accept the waived reports was made by Jim Lumi, seconded by Dave Kingman and passed unanimously.

The Auditing Report was then read by Terry Durkee, finding the books to be accurate and well kept.

The summary of the Treasurer’s Report was then read and explained by Jim Koepfler. Some line item changes were explained such as the Pet Clinic. A motion was made by Tom Sanford and seconded by Jim Fennell to accept the report. Passed unanimously,

Dan Thibeault then read and explained the Fund Treasurer’s Report. Funds invested with RBC brought in a lower amount due to the economy. Marion England made a motion to accept the report. Seconded by Jim Fennell, and passed unanimously.

Ellen Kingman, who was our Treasurer for many years, then thanked all our treasurers for their hard work as she knows what it’s all about.

The Proposed Budget for 2017 was then read and explained by Jim Koepfler. Marion questioned the UCC Missions Support amount; we had overpaid in 2016. Jim also explained UCC fellowship dues. The 2017 budget shows a shortfall in income. If the difference is divided by fifty-two weeks and our average weekly attendees add $1.00, we can make it up. Jim explained that Jim Fennell had added a “Percent of Budget” column, which is helpful in giving a true picture. Jim Brinson explained that Pastor Kelly’s salary, etc. figure included the first retirement fund for 2017 in it. A motion to accept the report was made by Dan Thibeault, seconded by Tim Durkee, and passed unanimously.

Dave Kingman said that Ed Collins name had been left off at the top of Building and Grounds Committee Report on page 10. So noted and corrected.

Discussion about changes to the Constitution and By-Laws then took place.  Jim Fennell proposed removing “pastor” from the paragraph in (d.) Treasurer. It will read “The Treasurer has the critical role of maintaining the business integrity of the church.” Also noted to strike out the words “new member,” “mid member,” and “older member” at the bottom of (a.) Diaconate paragraph, under Section 3. Committees.
A motion was made by Terry Durkee and seconded by Peter Granville to accept all changes as presented. Passed unanimously, and corrections will be made.

The Nominating Committee Report was then read by Carolyn Chretien. Patricia Wright’s name was added to the CE Committee. No nominations were made from the floor. A motion was made by Kris Collins for the Clerk to cast one vote for the slate, seconded by Ed Clavette, and so passed.

Jim Brinson then gave a special thank you for:

  • Sexton work by Dolores Charron.
  • Hard work and dedication of all committee leaders, members, and non-members.
  • For all volunteers that support our Pastor’s secretarial needs, hospitality tables, collations, fundraisers, suppers, fairs, and emergencies for their hard work and dedication, and special thanks to Ed Clavette for all he does around our church.
  • The dedication of our church officers.
  • Special unseen service givers:
    • Our hospitality crew and volunteers for always assuring a warm greeting and goodies after service.
    • Peter Gaw for the care of the lawns.
    • Ed Collins for his many talents, skills and time.
    • Henry Chretien, Dave and Ellen Kingman for their helping to maintain many of our important things.

As there was no further business, we all stood and sang the Doxology, as is our custom.

A motion was made to adjourn by Dan Thibeault, seconded by Ed Clavette, and passed unanimously.

Before adjourning, a printed paper was given out asking for people’s opinions as to whether we should consider a raffle as a fundraiser. In our three-hundred-plus years, we have never done this. Ideas are wanted.

A potluck lunch and fellowship was enjoyed by all in Maxcy Hall.

Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn E. Chretien, Clerk

Statistics for 2017

2017 Wedding As of December 31, 2016, there were 125 members on the Active Membership List. We welcomed five new members in 2017, one member passed away, and no members were transferred to another church or to the Inactive Membership List.

2017 Bourne CemeterySo, as of December 31, 2017, there were 129 members on the Active Membership List. During the year, we celebrated three Baptisms and two weddings, including one wedding in our sanctuary,  Pastor Kelly officiated at forty-five funerals in the church and around the community, including one for our beloved long-time Oldtown member Conrad Morel.

2017 Funeral